Linden Idol Competition

Competing well, is fun. And one (one being myself) needs to learn it’s still fun even if you don’t make it all the way.  It makes you strive to continue, even work harder than before – to get to where you want to be. Here’s my video: It was loads of fun – the pics… Continue reading Linden Idol Competition

Rainy Day: All alone at work

I’m here at work today – my two coworkers are out today – and so is my boss.  So having fun – but being bored at the same time.

Punta Cana Dominican Republic

I am on vacation in Dominican Republic for my cousin’s wedding celebration – I arrived with the family today –  it’s a gorgeous resort:    .  I’ve been playing  caretaker for my sleep deprived aunt, but otherwise all is well. It’s really nice meeting some of the family I rarely see – my two 2nd… Continue reading Punta Cana Dominican Republic

BT… and new horizons..

It’s been an interesting two weeks with BT so far – I am loving the new job.  Also kudos to a friend there who hooked me up with getting there. And for the new horizons – that’s for me to know – and  well, me to know. 🙂 Music

My music site has always been around – but there’s no mention of it on the main site:  Here it is:

Stuck at the airport….

Damn. My flight got delayed from 11am to 8:30 tonight.  That sucks.  I will get out of here when my friend gets here….

Florida is fun….

Went to Daytona to visit my buddy Shawn for a few days – while I try to make a fresh start; and reflect on some new things  as opposed to the crap I always do…  It’s really nice down here – 70 degrees as opposed to like 29 this morning in NJ….   Life is good…… Continue reading Florida is fun….

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