SlySoft Ships HD DVD Ripper App; Blu-ray Support Planned

The clever foxes at slysoft have done it once again: an hd dvd ripper app…. I can only remember months beforehand hearing it would be ‘impossible’ to attempt such a feat…. Well, the impossible is, quite simply put, possible… On to Blu-Ray! Mush, Mush! For more info: PC Magazine Article

The domain transfer battle is over…. Let the games begin…

I can’t even begin to explain how ridiculously annoying it is to transfer domain ownership from one carrier to the next now. My old domain registrar didn’t host for me… my first problem on simplicity… so copying all my files was a nightmare…. luckily, life goes on, and you move forward. Here’s to the folks… Continue reading The domain transfer battle is over…. Let the games begin…

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